KOMPAS.com — Penyu dikenal dengan kemampuannya mengarungi lautan luas untuk mencari makan hingga lokasi meletakkan telur. Namun, sejauh apakah bayi penyu mampu mengarungi lautan? Observasi para ilmuwan berhasil menguak bahwa dalam 70 hari, bayi penyu mampu mengarungi lautan sejauh 7.250 kilometer atau setara dengan jarak London ke Mumbai.
Jeanette Wyneken dan Kate Mansfield dari Florida Atlantic University adalah dua ilmuwan yang melakukan observasi tersebut. Dalam mengamati, mereka menggunakan perangkat pemantau yang dikontrol lewat satelit dan ditempelkan di cangkang bayi penyu tempayan (Caretta caretta). Sejumlah 17 bayi penyu berusia 4 hingga 6 bulan digunakan dalam observasi ini.
Wyneken dalam wawancaranya dengan Daily Mail mengungkapkan, "Ini adalah kali pertama bayi penyu umur 4 bulan direkam dan dideteksi pergerakannya dengan satelit. Sebelumnya, kita tidak pernah tahu apa yang dilakukan bayi penyu begitu mereka meninggalkan cangkang telurnya di pantai dan mulai mengarungi lautan."
Dari observasi, ilmuwan berhasil mengetahui berbagai hal, misalnya tentang pergerakannya. "Penyu memiliki gerakan yang bervariasi, lebih dari yang kita harapkan. Mereka melakukan lebih dari sekadar gerakan mengayuh di kedalaman air dan meluncur di arus." Wyneken dan rekannya mengaku sangat senang dengan hasil observasinya.
Bayi penyu tempayan yang digunakan dalam observasi ini diambil dari pantai Florida. Wyneken dan rekannya melepaskan penyu dari wilayah 10 mil dari Palm Beach. Saat ditimbang, penyu-penyu itu hanya memiliki berat rata-rata 300 gram. Wyneken mengaku, ia harus berhati-hati agar penyu tak terganggu dengan alat yang terpasang di badannya.
Observasi ini didanai oleh University of New Hampshire's Large Pelagics Research Center, Save Our Seas Foundation, Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund, dan Florida Sea Turtle Licence Plate Grants Program. Salah satu tujuan dari observasi ini adalah mengetahui habitat penting dalam hidup penyu sehingga mampu membantu upaya konservasinya.
"Pertanyaannya adalah satu sejarah alam yang paling mendasar. Ke mana mereka pergi? Untuk berapa lama dan apa risiko yang menghadangnya? Jika Anda tak tahu di mana mereka berada dan tempat macam apa yang mereka kunjungi, maka akan sangat sulit untuk mengupayakan perlindungan. Kalau Anda tak tahu informasi ini, Anda bertaruh dengan metode yang Anda gunakan untuk melindungi dan mengupayakan kesintasannya," kata Wyneken.
Explore the Ocean since the Baby Turtles
KOMPAS.com - Turtle known for its ability to navigate the vast ocean in search of food up to the location of eggs laid. However, as far as whether the baby is able to navigate the sea turtle? Observation that scientists have revealed that in 70 days, baby turtles can navigate the ocean as far as 7250 kilometers, equivalent to the distance between London and Mumbai.
Jeanette Wyneken and Kate Mansfield from Florida Atlantic University are two scientists who make these observations. In observing, they use monitoring devices that are controlled via satellite and taped to the baby turtle shell crock (Caretta caretta). A total of 17 baby turtles 4 to 6 months old used in this observation.
Wyneken in an interview with the Daily Mail reveals, "This is the first time a baby turtle age of 4 months was recorded and detected movement by satellite. Before, we never know what the baby turtles once they leave the shells of their eggs on the beach and started across the sea."
From observations, scientists managed to find out various things, like about movement. "Turtles have a varied movement, more than we expected. They're doing more than just pedaling motion in depth of the water and glide on currents." Wyneken and his colleagues claimed very pleased with the results of observations.
Baby turtles jars used in this observation is taken from the Florida coast. Wyneken and his release turtles from the region 10 miles from Palm Beach. When weighed, it's just turtles have an average weight of 300 grams. Wyneken said, he must take care that the turtle does not interfere with equipment installed in his body.
This observation was funded by the University of New Hampshire's Large Pelagics Research Center, Save Our Seas Foundation, Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund, and the Florida Sea Turtle License Plate Grants Program. One goal of this observation is important in life to know turtle habitat so as to help conservation efforts.
"The question is one of the most basic natural history. Where did they go? For how long and what the risks confronting? If you do not know where they are and what kind of places they visit, it will be very difficult to seek protection. If you do not know this information, you are betting with the method you use to protect and seek kesintasannya, "said Wyneken.
Baby turtles jars used in this observation is taken from the Florida coast. Wyneken and his release turtles from the region 10 miles from Palm Beach. When weighed, it's just turtles have an average weight of 300 grams. Wyneken said, he must take care that the turtle does not interfere with equipment installed in his body.
This observation was funded by the University of New Hampshire's Large Pelagics Research Center, Save Our Seas Foundation, Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund, and the Florida Sea Turtle License Plate Grants Program. One goal of this observation is important in life to know turtle habitat so as to help conservation efforts.
"The question is one of the most basic natural history. Where did they go? For how long and what the risks confronting? If you do not know where they are and what kind of places they visit, it will be very difficult to seek protection. If you do not know this information, you are betting with the method you use to protect and seek kesintasannya, "said Wyneken.
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