Para peneliti telah menemukan suatu sub spesies monyet baru di sebuah wilayah terpencil hutan hujan Amazon. Monyet yang baru saja ditemukan itu pertama kalinya ditemukan oleh para ilmuwan pada tahun 2007 di Amazona Brazil dan berhubungan dengan monyet-monyet tamarin punggung sadel, yang diketahui dari punggung mereka yang bertanda khusus, kata Wildlife Conservation Society(WCS).
Monyet kecil tersebut, yang kebanyakan berwarna cokelat kelabu dan berberat 213 gram, telah diberi nama tamarin Mura punggung sadel setelah suku bangsa Mura Indian dari lembah sungai Purus dan Madeira ditemukan sebagai sub spesies baru. Monyet ini tingginya sekitar 240 milimeter dengan ekor sepanjang 320 milimeter.
“Monyet yang baru saja dijelaskan menunjukkan bahwa bahkan hingga saat ini masih ada penemuan-penemuan utama satwa liar,” kata Fabio Rohe, ketua peneliti mengkonfirmasi penemuan baru tersebut, dalam sebuah pernyatan yang dikeluarkan oleh WCS. Penelitian itu menemukan bahwa monyet tersebut telah terancam oleh proyek-proyek pembangunan di daerah itu, termasuk sebuah jalan raya utama yang sedang diaspal melintasi hutan itu dan deforestasi bahan bakar.
“Penemuan ini seharusnya dijadikan panggilan bangun tidur bahwa masih begitu banyak yang perlu dipelajari dari tempat-tempat belantara dunia, namun manusia terus mengancam daerah-daerah ini dengan kerusakan,” kata Rohe.
New species of monkey, found in the Brazilian Amazon
Researchers have discovered a new sub-species of monkeys in a remote area of the Amazon rain forest. Monkey just discovered it the first time discovered by scientists in 2007 in Brazilian Amazon and is associated with tamarin monkeys dorsal saddle, which is known from specially marked on their backs, said Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).
Small monkey, which mostly gray and brown weighing 213 grams, have been named after the saddle back tamarin Mura Mura Indian tribes of Purus and Madeira river valleys are found as a new subspecies. This Monkey height of about 240 millimeters by 320 millimeters long tail.
"Monkey just described show that even today there are still major findings of wildlife," said Fabio Rohe, researchers confirmed the discovery of a new chairman, said in a statement issued by the WCS. The study found that the monkey has been threatened by development projects in the area, including a major highway is being paved through the forest fuels and deforestation.
"These findings should be a wake-up call that is still so much to be learned from the wild places of the world, but humans continue to threaten these areas with damage," said Rohe.
"Monkey just described show that even today there are still major findings of wildlife," said Fabio Rohe, researchers confirmed the discovery of a new chairman, said in a statement issued by the WCS. The study found that the monkey has been threatened by development projects in the area, including a major highway is being paved through the forest fuels and deforestation.
"These findings should be a wake-up call that is still so much to be learned from the wild places of the world, but humans continue to threaten these areas with damage," said Rohe.
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