Oleh Yuni Ikawati
Pemanasan suhu global akibat akumulasi gas rumah kaca, terutama karbon, telah menyebabkan perubahan iklim dan melelehnya es di kutub. Upaya pemantauan dilakukan dengan melihat potensi sumber peredamnya—hutan—dengan teknologi penginderaan jauh, menggunakan satelit dan pesawat terbang.
Indonesia, negeri berhutan tropis terluas kedua di dunia, menjadi incaran banyak negara maju. Dengan potensi sumber daya alam itu, wilayah di khatulistiwa ini menjadi tumpuan dunia untuk menahan dan mereduksi emisi karbon—penyebab pemanasan suhu global.
Namun, seberapa luas kawasan hutan di Indonesia hingga kini belum diketahui pasti karena sebagian besar wilayah di negeri kepulauan ini, terutama Kalimantan, kerap tertutup awan hasil penguapan perairan di sekitarnya.
Indonesia tentu berkepentingan dengan kelestarian sumber daya hutannya karena gas karbon dioksida (CO2) yang teremisi dari wilayahnya terus meningkat. Kenaikannya diproyeksikan dari 1,72 gigaton (Gt) pada tahun 2000 menjadi 2.95 Gt pada 202O, dan bakal menanjak lagi jadi 3,6 Gt t ahun 2030.
Kenaikan ini akan terjadi bila tak ada upaya menekan pelepasan gas karbon dan mengelola sumber karbon, terutama di sektor kehutanan.
Bagi Indonesia, kenaikan emisi karbon dalam kurun waktu lama jelas mengkhawatirkan. Naiknya kandungan karbon—sebagai perangkap panas dari matahari di lingkungan atmosfer— menyebabkan suhu bumi meningkat. Dampaknya antara lain mencairnya es di kutub akan menambah volume air laut hingga menaikkan permukaan laut.
Karena itu, negara pulau dan kepulauan, termasuk Indonesia, bakal terkena dampak signifikan dari proses tersebut, yaitu berkurangnya daratan di kawasan pesisir karena kenaikan permukaan laut.
Dengan program terpadu untuk melestarikan hutan, Indonesia berpotensi mengurangi emisi CO hingga 2.3 Gt pada tahun 2030 atau 4,5 persen dari yang diperlukan di tingkat global. Reduksinya bisa mencapai 50 persen atau 1,16 Gt.
Lalu dengan melestarikan dan merehabilitasi kawasan gambut pengurangan karbon bisa mencapai 0,60 Gt (26 persen). Karena lahan gambut dan hutan merupakan sumber terbesar emisi CO2 di Indonesia, yaitu mencapai 45 persen.
Indonesian Forest Monitoring of Air
By Yuni Ikawati
Warming global temperatures due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon, has caused climate change and melting ice at the poles. Monitoring efforts conducted by looking at potential sources of damping-woods-with remote sensing technology, using satellites and airplanes.
Indonesia, the country the second largest rainforest in the world, the target of many developed countries. With the potential of natural resources that, in the equatorial region is a focus for the world to resist and reduce carbon emissions, the cause of warming global temperatures.
However, the extent of forest area in Indonesia up to now has not known for sure because most of the land area in these islands, especially Kalimantan, often covered by cloud evaporation results in the surrounding waters.
Indonesia of course concerned with the preservation of its forest resources because of the gas carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted from the region continue to rise. Projected to increase from 1.72 gigatons (Gt) in 2000 to 2.95 Gt in 202O, and will climb again be 3.6 Gt t cope 2030.
This increase will occur when there is no effort to suppress the release of carbon gases and manage the carbon source, particularly in the forestry sector.
This increase will occur when there is no effort to suppress the release of carbon gases and manage the carbon source, particularly in the forestry sector.
For Indonesia, the increase in carbon emissions in a long time obviously worrying. Rising carbon content-as a trap heat from the sun in the atmosphere, causing global temperatures to rise. Its effects include the melting of polar ice will increase the volume of sea water to raise sea.
Therefore, islands and island states, including Indonesia, would have significantly affected the process, the reduction in land in coastal areas due to sea level rise.
With an integrated program to conserve forests, Indonesia has the potential to reduce CO emissions to 2.3 Gt in 2030 or 4.5 per cent from that required at the global level. Reduction could reach 50 percent or 1.16 Gt.
With an integrated program to conserve forests, Indonesia has the potential to reduce CO emissions to 2.3 Gt in 2030 or 4.5 per cent from that required at the global level. Reduction could reach 50 percent or 1.16 Gt.
Then to conserve and rehabilitate areas of peat carbon reductions could reach 0.60 Gt (26 percent). Because peatlands and forests are the biggest source of CO2 emissions in Indonesia, which reached 45 percent.
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