Burung Pecuk Ular (Anhinga melanogaster) ini disebut Pecuk Ular karena lehernya yang panjang dan langsing menyerupai ular, nama Latinnya adalah ANHINGA MELANOGASTER. Burung ini masuk dalam golongan burung air, menyenangi daerah perairan seperti mangrove, danau, rawa dan sungai. Panjang tubuhnya mulai dari kepala hingga kaki bisa mencapai 80-90 sentimeter. Kepala sempit kecil. Bulu ditubuhnya terutama bagian depan badan berwarna hitam legam, bagian belakang berwarna kecoklatan, ada setrip dagu putih sepanjang leher, bulu penutup putih halus dengan pinggir hitam, kaki keabu-abuan. Sedangkan pada leher coklat kekuningan. Paruhnya yang panjang berwarna kuning muda atau abu-abu.
Setelah berenang atau menyelam, burung pecuk ular harus mengeringkan dulu tubuhnya, sebab mereka tidak akan bisa terbang kalau sayapnya dalam keadaan basah. Sarang berupa tumpukan ranting pada pohon tinggi dekat pantai. Telur berwarna keputih-putihan, jumlah 2 sampai 4 butir. Berbiak bulan Desember-Maret, Maret-Juni.
Bentuk lehernya yang panjang memudahkan burung ini menangkap ikan di sungai. Selain ikan, burung pecuk ular ini juga memangsa berbagai hewan air seperti katak, kadal air dan sejenisnya. Burung ini juga mampu menyelam hingga kedalaman sampai 200 meter di bawah air. Lamanya mereka menyelam tergantung sejauh mana mangsa ditemukan. Biasanya berkisar antara beberapa menit sampai satu jam! Mangsa yang didapat tidak langsung ditelan melainkan dikibas-kibaskan dulu sampai tak berdaya, baru dikunyah.
Sebagian pengamat burung menyebutnya sebagai Oriental Darter karena memang hanya berada di daerah Asia, terutama India, Filipina, Indonesia dan Thailand. Di Indonesia burung pecuk ular bisa dijumpai di Jawa (pulau Rambut, gugusan kepulauan Seribu), Sulawesi, Kalimantan (Kawasan Taman Nasional Betun Kerihun - TNBK) dan sebagian Sumatera.
Birds of Little Snake (Anhinga melanogaster)
Birds of Little Snake (Anhinga melanogaster) is called because of Little Snake neck long and slender like a snake, its Latin name is the Anhinga melanogaster. This bird is included in the group of water birds, like the waters like mangrove forests, lakes, swamps and rivers. Body length from head to foot could reach 80-90 inches. Small narrow head. Feathers on the body especially the front of the jet black body, the back brownish, there is a white chin stripe along the neck, with fine white hairs cover black edge, feet grayish. While the fawn's neck. Long beak bright yellow or gray.
After swimming or diving, bird of Little snake must first drain the body, because they can not fly if their wings are wet. Nest of twigs in a pile of tall trees near the beach. Whitish-colored eggs, the number of 2 to 4 grains. Breeding month of December to March, from March to June.
After swimming or diving, bird of Little snake must first drain the body, because they can not fly if their wings are wet. Nest of twigs in a pile of tall trees near the beach. Whitish-colored eggs, the number of 2 to 4 grains. Breeding month of December to March, from March to June.
Form a long neck allows the bird to catch fish in rivers. In addition to fish, birds of Little snakes also prey on a variety of aquatic animals such as frogs, newts and the like. This bird is also capable of diving to depths of up to 200 meters under water. The length depends on the extent to which they dive prey found. Usually ranges from several minutes to an hour! Prey obtained indirectly ingested but dikibas-shuffle the first to helplessness, the new chew.
Some observers call it the Oriental Darter bird because it's only been in the area of Asia, especially India, the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand. In Indonesia, the birds of Little snake can be found in Java (the island of Hair, A thousand islands), Sulawesi, Kalimantan (Betun Kerihun National Park - TNBK) and part of Sumatra.
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