Burung Elang Jawa (Spizaetus bartelsi) adalah salah satu spesies elang berukuran sedang yang endemik di Pulau Jawa. Satwa ini dianggap identik dengan lambang negara Republik Indonesia, yaitu Garuda
Elang yang bertubuh sedang sampai besar, langsing, dengan panjang tubuh antara 60-70 cm (dari ujung paruh hingga ujung ekor).Kepala berwarna coklat kemerahan (kadru), dengan jambul yang tinggi menonjol (2-4 bulu, panjang hingga 12 cm) dan tengkuk yang coklat kekuningan (kadang nampak keemasan bila terkena sinar matahari).
Jambul hitam dengan ujung putih; mahkota dan kumis berwarna hitam, sedangkan punggung dan sayap coklat gelap. Kerongkongan keputihan dengan garis (sebetulnya garis-garis) hitam membujur di tengahnya. Ke bawah, ke arah dada, coret-coret hitam menyebar di atas warna kuning kecoklatan pucat, yang pada akhirnya di sebelah bawah lagi berubah menjadi pola garis (coret-coret) rapat melintang merah sawomatang sampai kecoklatan di atas warna pucat keputihan bulu-bulu perut dan kaki.
Bulu pada kaki menutup tungkai hingga dekat ke pangkal jari. Ekor kecoklatan dengan empat garis gelap dan lebar melintang yang nampak jelas di sisi bawah, ujung ekor bergaris putih tipis. Betina berwarna serupa, sedikit lebih besar.Iris mata kuning atau kecoklatan; paruh kehitaman; sera (daging di pangkal paruh) kekuningan; kaki (jari) kekuningan. Burung muda dengan kepala, leher dan sisi bawah tubuh berwarna coklat kayu manis terang, tanpa coretan atau garis-garis (MacKinnon, J. 1993. Panduan lapangan pengenalan Burung-burung di Jawa dan Bali. Gadjah Mada University Press. Jogyakarta. ISBN 979-420-150-2. Hal. 104.)
Bunyi nyaring tinggi, berulang-ulang, klii-iiw atau ii-iiiw, bervariasi antara satu hingga tiga suku kata. Atau bunyi bernada tinggi dan cepat kli-kli-kli-kli-kli. Sedikit banyak, suaranya ini mirip dengan suara elang brontok meski perbedaannya cukup jelas dalam nadanya (Sozer, R., V. Nijman dan I. Setiawan. 1999. Panduan identifikasi Elang Jawa Spizaetus bartelsi. Biodiversity Conservation Project (LIPI-JICA-PKA). Bogor. ISBN 979-95862-1-6. 48 hal.)
Sebaran elang ini terbatas di Pulau Jawa, dari ujung barat (Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon) hingga ujung timur di Semenanjung Blambangan Purwo. Namun demikian penyebarannya kini terbatas di wilayah-wilayah dengan hutan primer dan di daerah perbukitan berhutan pada peralihan dataran rendah dengan pegunungan. Sebagian besar ditemukan di separuh belahan selatan Pulau Jawa. Agaknya burung ini hidup berspesialisasi pada wilayah berlereng (Balen, S. van, V. Nijman and R. Sozer. 1999. Distribution and Conservation of Javan Hawk-eagle Spizaetus bartelsi. Bird Conservation International 9 : 333-349.)
Elang Jawa menyukai ekosistem hutan hujan tropika yang selalu hijau, di dataran rendah maupun pada tempat-tempat yang lebih tinggi. Mulai dari wilayah dekat pantai seperti di Ujung Kulon dan Meru Betiri, sampai ke hutan-hutan pegunungan bawah dan atas hingga ketinggian 2.200 m dan kadang-kadang 3.000 m dpl.
Pada umumnya tempat tinggal elang jawa sukar untuk dicapai, meski tidak selalu jauh dari lokasi aktivitas manusia. Agaknya burung ini sangat tergantung pada keberadaan hutan primer sebagai tempat hidupnya. Walaupun ditemukan elang yang menggunakan hutan sekunder sebagai tempat berburu dan bersarang, akan tetapi letaknya berdekatan dengan hutan primer yang luas.
Burung pemangsa ini berburu dari tempat bertenggernya di pohon-pohon tinggi dalam hutan. Dengan sigap dan tangkas menyergap aneka mangsanya yang berada di dahan pohon maupun yang di atas tanah, seperti pelbagai jenis reptil, burung-burung sejenis walik, punai, dan bahkan ayam kampung. Juga mamalia berukuran kecil sampai sedang seperti tupai dan bajing, kalong, musang, sampai dengan anak monyet.
Masa bertelur tercatat mulai bulan Januari hingga Juni. Sarang berupa tumpukan ranting-ranting berdaun yang disusun tinggi, dibuat di cabang pohon setinggi 20-30 di atas tanah. Telur berjumlah satu butir, yang dierami selama kurang-lebih 47 hari.
Pohon sarang merupakan jenis-jenis pohon hutan yang tinggi, seperti rasamala (Altingia excelsa), pasang (Lithocarpus dan Quercus), tusam (Pinus merkusii), puspa (Schima wallichii), dan ki sireum (Eugenia clavimyrtus). Tidak selalu jauh berada di dalam hutan, ada pula sarang-sarang yang ditemukan hanya sejarak 200-300 m dari tempat rekreasi
Java Eagles (Spizaetus bartelsi)
Java Eagles (Spizaetus bartelsi) is a species of medium-sized hawk endemic in Java. These animals are considered synonymous with the emblem of the Republic of Indonesia, namely Garuda
Eagle, who was of medium to large, slender, with a body length of 60-70 cm (from tip of beak to tip of tail). Head reddish brown (Kadru), with a high crest protruding (2-4 hairs, length up to 12 cm) and neck are yellowish brown (sometimes seemed golden when exposed to sunlight).
Crested black with white tip; crown and a black mustache, while the dark brown back and wings. Whitish throat with a line (actually lines) longitudinal black in the middle. Downward, toward your chest, cross-spread black streak above pale brownish yellow color, which in turn at the bottom again turned into a pattern of lines (scratch-scratch) red cross meeting sawomatang until brown on the color of pale whitish belly feathers and legs.
Crested black with white tip; crown and a black mustache, while the dark brown back and wings. Whitish throat with a line (actually lines) longitudinal black in the middle. Downward, toward your chest, cross-spread black streak above pale brownish yellow color, which in turn at the bottom again turned into a pattern of lines (scratch-scratch) red cross meeting sawomatang until brown on the color of pale whitish belly feathers and legs.
Feathers on the feet close to the base leg to close fingers. The tail is dark brown with four lines and obvious transverse width at the bottom, white striped tail. Females are similar in color, slightly yellow or brownish besar.Iris eye; half blackish; sera (meat at the base of the beak) yellowish; foot (finger) yellowish. Young bird with head, neck and the underside of body light cinnamon brown, without streaks or stripes (MacKinnon, J. 1993. Field Guide Birds introduction in Java and Bali. Gadjah Mada University Press. Jogyakarta. ISBN 979 - 420-150-2. Hal. 104.)
The sound of a loud high, repeatedly, or ii klii-iiw-iiiw, varied between one and three syllables. Or high-pitched sound and quick edit icon, edit icon, edit icon, edit icon, edit icon. To some extent, this voice sounds similar to hawk eagle even though the difference is quite clear in his tone (Sozer, R., V. Nijman and I. Setiawan. 1999. Guide Java Eagle Spizaetus bartelsi identification. Biodiversity Conservation Project (LIPI-JICA-PKA). Bogor. ISBN 979-95862-1-6. 48 p..)
The sound of a loud high, repeatedly, or ii klii-iiw-iiiw, varied between one and three syllables. Or high-pitched sound and quick edit icon, edit icon, edit icon, edit icon, edit icon. To some extent, this voice sounds similar to hawk eagle even though the difference is quite clear in his tone (Sozer, R., V. Nijman and I. Setiawan. 1999. Guide Java Eagle Spizaetus bartelsi identification. Biodiversity Conservation Project (LIPI-JICA-PKA). Bogor. ISBN 979-95862-1-6. 48 p..)
Spread eagle is limited in Java, from the western tip (Ujung Kulon National Park) to the eastern tip of the peninsula Blambangan Purwo. However, its distribution is now limited in areas with primary forests and wooded hills in the area at the turn of the lowlands to the mountains. Mostly found in southern half of Java. Presumably these birds live in the region specializing cycle (Balen, S. van, V. Nijman and R. Sozer. 1999. Distribution and Conservation of Javan Hawk-eagle Spizaetus bartelsi. Bird Conservation International 9: 333-349.)
Eagle Java like tropical rain forest ecosystem that is always green, in the lowlands and in places higher. Starting from the area near the beach like in Ujung Kulon and Meru Betiri, to the mountain forests down, and up to a height of 2200 m and sometimes 3000 m above sea level.
In most cases their Javan hawk-eagle is difficult to achieve, though not always far from the location of human activities. Presumably this bird is very dependent on the presence of primary forest as a place of his life. Although the eagle was found that use of secondary forest as a place of hunting and nesting, but located adjacent to primary forest area.
In most cases their Javan hawk-eagle is difficult to achieve, though not always far from the location of human activities. Presumably this bird is very dependent on the presence of primary forest as a place of his life. Although the eagle was found that use of secondary forest as a place of hunting and nesting, but located adjacent to primary forest area.
This predatory bird hunting from perch in tall trees in the forest. With a swift and agile ambush prey in the various branches of trees or on the ground, such as various types of reptiles, birds like walik, pigeon, and even chicken. Too small to medium sized mammals such as chipmunks and squirrels, bats, weasels, until the child monkey.
Spawning period was recorded from January to June. Nest of twigs leafy pile composed of high, is made as high as 20-30 on a tree branch above the ground. Egg number one item, which incubated for approximately 47 days.
Nest tree is a forest tree species is high, such as Rasamala (Altingia excelsa), pairs (Lithocarpus and Quercus), tusam (Pinus), puspa (Schima wallichii), and ki sireum (Eugenia clavimyrtus). Not always located far away in the woods, there are nests found sejarak only 200-300 m from a place of recreation.
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