Kelompok kantong semar (Nepenthes) merupakan tanaman di Indonesia yang dikategorikan paling langka, spesies yang membutuhkan prioritas tinggi untuk segera dikonservasi. "Tanaman yang dimasukkan dalam prioritas ada 100 spesies, mereka butuh dikonservasi tahun ini juga, kelompok spesies dari kantong semar atau Nepenthes dapat prioritas tertinggi," kata Pakar Taksonomi dari LIPI Didik Widyatmoko yang dihubungi dari Jakarta, Jumat.
Menurut Didik, hasil penilaian para pakar tumbuhan pada pertemuan yang digagas LIPI awal pekan ini, menetapkan 191 spesies dari empat famili tanaman menjadi prioritas konservasi tahun ini. "Dari 191 diperas lagi jadi 100 spesies," kata Kepala Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Cibodas itu.
Empat famili itu yakni, anggrek-anggrekan (orchidaceae), palem-paleman (arecaceae), paku-pakuan (cyatheaceae), dan kantong semar (nepenthaceae) adalah taksa-taksa dengan jumlah spesies berkategori terancam punah paling banyak. Tanaman langka dari famili lainnya menunggu tahap konservasi selanjutnya, ujarnya sambil menambahkan, angka 191 itu diambil berdasarkan referensi dari International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) dan pendapat para pakar di bidangnya.
Sementara itu Kepala Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Bogor Mustaid Siregar merahasiakan nama spesies kantong semar paling langka tersebut. "Para pakar mengkhawatirkan publikasi suatu spesies tanaman langka justru akan membuat peminat tanaman berusaha memburu tanaman itu, sehingga kemungkinan tanaman itu semakin punah semakin terbuka lebar," katanya. Skala prioritas untuk melakukan konservasi terhadap tanaman langka perlu diberlakukan, karena dana, tenaga ahli dan waktu sangat terbatas, sementara tumbuhan yang terancam punah terus meningkat, katanya
Menurut dia, jumlah spesies tumbuhan Indonesia terancam punah yang berkategori kritis (critically endangered), genting (endangered) dan rawan (vulnerable) telah mencapai 513 jenis. Dari jumlah itu 386 spesies tercantum dalam IUCN 2008.
"Jumlah sebenarnya jauh lebih banyak lagi. Indonesia merupakan negara kedua di dunia setelah Malaysia yang memiliki tumbuhan terancam punah, disusul Brazil," katanya. Skor tertinggi tumbuhan terancam punah dilakukan melalui 17 kriteria, misalnya keunikan taksonomis, distribusi geografis, nilai manfaat, jumlah populasi, dampak eksploatasi, hingga tingkat kemerosotan populasi. Semakin terbatas suatu tanaman hanya bisa tumbuh di lokasi tertentu (tingkat endemisitas tinggi) maka skornya lebih tinggi, demikian pula jika populasinya terbatas dan terlalu banyak dieksploitasi karena nilai manfaatnya tinggi serta keunikannya yang menonjol.
Kantong semar atau dalam nama latinnya Nepenthes sp. pertama kali dikenalkan oleh J.P Breyne pada tahun 1689. Di Indonesia, sebutan untuk tumbuhan ini berbeda antara daerah satu dengan yang lain. Masyarakat di Riau mengenal tanaman ini dengan sebutan periuk monyet, di Jambi disebut dengan kantong beruk, di Bangka disebut dengan ketakung, sedangkan nama sorok raja mantri disematkan oleh masyarakat di Jawa Barat pada tanaman unik ini. Sementara di Kalimantan setiap suku memiliki istilah sendiri untuk menyebut Nepenthes sp. Suku Dayak Katingan menyebutnya sebagai ketupat napu, suku Dayak Bakumpai dengan telep ujung, sedangkan suku Dayak Tunjung menyebutnya dengan selo bengongong yang artinya sarang serangga (Mansur, 2006).
Sampai dengan saat ini tercatat terdapat 103 jenis kantong semar yang sudah dipublikasikan (Firstantinovi dan Karjono, 2006). Tumbuhan ini diklasifikasikan sebagai tumbuhan karnivora karena memangsa serangga. Kemampuannya itu disebabkan oleh adanya organ berbentuk kantong yang menjulur dari ujung daunnya. Organ itu disebut pitcher atau kantong. Kemampuannya yang unik dan asalnyayang dari negara tropis itu menjadikan kantong semar sebagai tanaman hias pilihan yang eksotis di Jepang, Eropa, Amerika dan Australia. Sayangnya, di negaranya sendiri justru tak banyak yang mengenal dan memanfaatkannya (Witarto, 2006).
Selain kemampuannya dalam menjebak serangga, keunikan lain dari tanaman ini adalah bentuk, ukuran, dan corak warna kantongnya. Secara keseluruhan, tumbuhan ini memiliki lima bentuk kantong, yaitu bentuk tempayan, bulat telur/oval, silinder, corong, dan pinggang.
Kantong semar tumbuh dan tersebar mulai dari Australia bagian utara, Asia Tenggara, hingga Cina bagian Selatan. Indonesia sendiri memiliki Pulau Kalimantan dan Sumatera sebagai surga habitat tanaman ini. Dari 64 jenis yang hidup di Indonesia, 32 jenis diketahui terdapat di Borneo (Kalimantan, Serawak, Sabah, dan Brunei) sebagai pusat penyebaran kantong semar. Pulau Sumatera menempati urutan kedua dengan 29 jenis yang sudah berhasil diidentifikasi.
Keragaman jenis kantong semar di pulau lainnya belum diketahui secara pasti. Namun berdasarkan hasil penelusuran spesimen herbarium di Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor, ditemukan bahwa di Sulawesi minimum sepuluh jenis, Papua sembilan jenis, Maluku empat jenis, dan Jawa dua jenis (Mansur, 2006).
Kantong semar hidup di tempat-tempat terbuka atau agak terlindung di habitat yang miskin unsur hara dan memiliki kelembaban udara yang cukup tinggi. Tanaman ini bisa hidup di hutan hujan tropik dataran rendah, hutan pegunungan, hutan gambut, hutan kerangas, gunung kapur, dan padang savana. Berdasarkanketinggian tempat tumbuhnya, kantong semar dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok yaitu kantong semar dataran rendah, menengah, dan dataran tinggi.
Karakter dan sifat kantong semar berbeda pada tiap habitat. Beberapa jenis kantong semar yang hidup di habitat hutan hujan tropik dataran rendah dan hutan pegunungan bersifat epifit, yaitu menempel pada batang atau cabang pohon lain. Pada habitat yang cukup ekstrim seperti di hutan kerangas yang suhunya bisa mencapai 30ยบ C pada siang hari, kantong semar beradaptasi dengan daun yang tebal untuk menekan penguapan air dari daun. Sementara kantong semar di daerah savana umumnya hidup terestrial, tumbuh tegak dan memiliki panjang batang kurang dari 2 m.
Status Perlindungan
Status tanaman kantong semar termasuk tanaman yang dilindungi berdasarkan Undang-Undang No. 5 tahun 1990 tentang Konservasi Sumberdaya Hayati dan Ekosistemnya serta Peraturan Pemerintah No. 7/1999 tentang Pengawetan Jenis Tumbuhan dan Satwa. Hal ini sejalan dengan regulasi Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), dari 103 spesies kantong semar di dunia yang sudah dipublikasikan, 2 jenis: N. rajah dan N. khasiana masuk dalam kategori Appendix-1. Sisanya berada dalam kategori Appendix-2. Itu berarti segala bentuk kegiatan perdagangan sangat dibatasi.
Kantong semar memang belum sepopuler tanaman hias lainnya seperti anggrek, dan aglaonema. Namun, saat ini kepopuleran kantong semar sebagai tanaman hias yang unik semakin meningkat seiring dengan minat masyarakat pecinta tanaman hias untuk menangkarkannya. Nama tanaman dari famili Nepenthaceae ini sudah terkenal hingga ke mancanegara. Bahkan di negaranegara seperti Australia, Eropa, Amerika, Jepang, Malaysia, Thailand, dan Sri Lanka budidaya tanaman ini sudah berkembang menjadi skala industri. Ironisnya, tanamanan pemakan serangga ini kebanyakan jenisnya berasal dari Indonesia.
Selain berpotensi sebagai tanaman hias, kantong semar juga dapat digunakan sebagai obat tradisional (Mansur, 2006). Sementara itu, kandungan protein di dalam kantongnya berpotensi untuk pengembangan bertani protein menggunakan tanaman endemik Indonesia (Witarto, 2006). Dalam penelitiannya baru-baru ini, Witarto (2006), berhasil mengisolasi protein dalam cairan kantong atas dan kantong bawah dari N. gymnamphora dari Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun. Dari masing-masing 800 ml cairan yang dikumpulkan dari kantong, dapat dimurnikan protein sebanyak 1 ml. Uji aktivitas terhadap protein yang telah dimurnikan menunjukkan bahwa protein itu adalah enzim protease yang kemungkinan besar adalah Nepenthesin I dan Nepenthesin II.
Nepenthes sp. DI SUMATERA
Sumatera merupakan urutan kedua setelah Kalimantan sebagai tempat penyebaran spesies, tapi dari segi jumlah populasi Sumatera dapat mengimbangi Kalimantan. Dari jenis-jenis yang sudah ditemukan di Sumatera, 12 di antaranya masih dalam proses identifikasi Anonimus, 2006). Semua jenis Nepenthes sp. yang ada di Sumatera tersebar dari dataran rendah sampai ke dataran tinggi.
Kantong semar (Nepenthes sp.) di Sumatera memiliki beberapa sebutan seperti periuk monyet di Riau, kantong beruk di Jambi, dan Ketakung atau calong beruk di Bangka. Bahkan di Gunung Kerinci (Sumatera Barat) ada sebutan terompet gunung untuk jenis Nepenthes aristolochioides. Pada awalnya, Nepenthes sp. di Sumatera sangat mudah ditemukan di hampir seluruh tipe hutan dan tersebar hampir merata di setiap provinsi, kecuali untuk jenis endemik tertentu. Akan tetapi, sekarang sudah mulai sulit dijumpai, kecuali di daerah tertentu.
Group semar bag (Nepenthes) is a plant in Indonesia which categorized most rare, species that require high priority for immediate conservation. "Plants that are included in the priority there are 100 species, they need to be converted this year, group or species of Nepenthes semar bag to the highest priority," said Specialist Taxonomy of LIPI Educate Widyatmoko who contacted from Jakarta on Friday.
According to Educate, results of the assessment of plant experts at the meeting was initiated by LIPI earlier this week, set the 191 plant species from four families a priority for conservation this year. "Of the 191 100 species to be squeezed," said Head of the Botanical Gardens Plant Conservation Center Cibodas it.
According to Educate, results of the assessment of plant experts at the meeting was initiated by LIPI earlier this week, set the 191 plant species from four families a priority for conservation this year. "Of the 191 100 species to be squeezed," said Head of the Botanical Gardens Plant Conservation Center Cibodas it.
The four families that is, orchid-anggrekan (Orchidaceae), a palm-paleman (arecaceae), ferns (cyatheaceae), and the bag semar (nepenthaceae) is taxa-taxa categorized by the number of endangered species at most. Rare plants from other families wait for the next phase of conservation, she said, adding, the number 191 was taken based on the reference of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the opinions of experts in their fields.
Meanwhile, Head of the Bogor Botanical Gardens Plant Conservation completed Siregar conceal the name of the most endangered species such semar bag. "The experts worry about the publication of a rare plant species, it will make the plant enthusiasts trying to hunt down the plant, making it more likely that the extinct plants more wide open," he said. Priorities for conservation of rare plants need to be enforced, because the funds, expertise and time is very limited, while the plants are threatened with extinction continues to increase, he said
According to him, the number of endangered species of Indonesian plants are categorized critical (critically endangered), precarious (endangered) and sensitive (vulnerable) has reached 513 species. Of the total 386 species listed in the IUCN 2008.
"The number is actually much more. Indonesia is the second country in the world after Malaysia that has endangered plants, followed by Brazil," he said. The highest score of endangered plants conducted through 17 criteria, such as the uniqueness of taxonomic, geographic distribution, the value of benefits, the number of population, the impact of exploitation, to the level of population decline. The more limited a plant can only grow in certain locations (high endemic level) then the higher the score, so if the population is limited and too many are exploited because of the benefits of high value and uniqueness that stands out.
ABOUT Nepenthes
Nepenthes or the Latin name Nepenthes sp. first introduced by JP Breyne in 1689. In Indonesia, the term for these plants vary from one region to another. Communities in the Riau recognize this plant as pot monkey, in Jambi called with pocket monkey, in the Pacific called ketakung, while the name of the king sorok paramedics pinned by the community in West Java on this unique plant. While in Borneo every tribe has its own term to describe Nepenthes sp. Katingan Dayak tribe called it a diamond Napu, Dayak tribe Bakumpai with telep tip, while the Dayak tribe called the cello bengongong Tunjung which means nest of insects (Mansur, 2006).
Up to now there are 103 species recorded semar bags that have been published (Firstantinovi and Karjono, 2006). These plants are classified as carnivorous plants because of insect prey. His ability was caused by a bag-shaped organs that protrude from the tip of the leaf. The organ is called a pitcher or a bag. Unique ability and asalnyayang from tropical countries that made the bag semar as an exotic ornamental plant choice in Japan, Europe, America and Australia. Unfortunately, in his own country it's not much to know and use it (Witarto, 2006).
In addition to its ability to trap insects, another uniqueness of this plant is the shape, size, color and style pockets. Overall, this plant has five pockets form, namely the form of jars, round egg / oval, cylinder, funnel, and waist.
Up to now there are 103 species recorded semar bags that have been published (Firstantinovi and Karjono, 2006). These plants are classified as carnivorous plants because of insect prey. His ability was caused by a bag-shaped organs that protrude from the tip of the leaf. The organ is called a pitcher or a bag. Unique ability and asalnyayang from tropical countries that made the bag semar as an exotic ornamental plant choice in Japan, Europe, America and Australia. Unfortunately, in his own country it's not much to know and use it (Witarto, 2006).
In addition to its ability to trap insects, another uniqueness of this plant is the shape, size, color and style pockets. Overall, this plant has five pockets form, namely the form of jars, round egg / oval, cylinder, funnel, and waist.
Nepenthes grow and spread from northern Australia, Southeast Asia, to China Southern. Indonesia alone has the island of Borneo and Sumatra as a paradise habitat of this plant. From 64 species that live in Indonesia, 32 species are known in Borneo (Kalimantan, Sarawak, Sabah and Brunei) as a center for distributing bags semar. Sumatra Island ranks second with 29 species have been identified.
The diversity of species on other islands semar bag has not been clearly established. However, based on the search results Bogoriense herbarium specimens in the Herbarium, Bogor, found that at least ten species of Sulawesi, Papua nine species, four species Moluccas, and Java are two types (Mansur, 2006).
Nepenthes live in open places or somewhat shielded in nutrient-poor habitats and have a fairly high humidity. These plants can live in lowland tropical rain forest, montane forests, peat forests, heath forests, limestone mountains, and savannas. Berdasarkanketinggian where it grew, semar bag divided into three groups: the lowlands semar bags, medium, and high plains.
The diversity of species on other islands semar bag has not been clearly established. However, based on the search results Bogoriense herbarium specimens in the Herbarium, Bogor, found that at least ten species of Sulawesi, Papua nine species, four species Moluccas, and Java are two types (Mansur, 2006).
Nepenthes live in open places or somewhat shielded in nutrient-poor habitats and have a fairly high humidity. These plants can live in lowland tropical rain forest, montane forests, peat forests, heath forests, limestone mountains, and savannas. Berdasarkanketinggian where it grew, semar bag divided into three groups: the lowlands semar bags, medium, and high plains.
The character and nature of different semar bag in each habitat. Several types of bags semar living in tropical rain forest habitat of lowland and montane forests are epiphytes, which is attached to the trunk or branch of another tree. In a fairly extreme habitats such as heath forest where the temperature can reach 30 ยบ C during the day, bag semar adapt to the thick leaves to suppress evaporation of water from leaves. Meanwhile, pockets semar in savanna areas generally terrestrial life, grow upright and have long stems less than 2 m.
Protection Status
Status semar bag including crop plants protected by the Act No. 5 / 1990 on Conservation of Biological Resources and Ecosystems and Government Regulation no. 7 / 1999 on the Preservation of Plants and Animals. This is in line with the regulation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), from 103 species in the world semar bags that have been published, 2 types: N. rajah and N. khasiana included in Appendix-1 category. The rest are in Appendix-2 category. That means all forms of trading activity is very limited.
Nepenthes are not as popular as other ornamental plants such as orchids, and aglaonema. However, the current popularity as an ornamental plant semar bag unique increased along with public interest in ornamental plants for menangkarkannya lovers. Nepenthaceae family name of this plant are well known to the world. Even in countries such as Australia, Europe, America, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, and Sri Lanka cultivation of this plant has developed into an industrial scale. Ironically, these insect-eating tanamanan most species come from Indonesia.
Nepenthes are not as popular as other ornamental plants such as orchids, and aglaonema. However, the current popularity as an ornamental plant semar bag unique increased along with public interest in ornamental plants for menangkarkannya lovers. Nepenthaceae family name of this plant are well known to the world. Even in countries such as Australia, Europe, America, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, and Sri Lanka cultivation of this plant has developed into an industrial scale. Ironically, these insect-eating tanamanan most species come from Indonesia.
Besides potential as an ornamental plant, semar bag can also be used as traditional medicine (Mansur, 2006). Meanwhile, the protein content in the pocket proteins has the potential for the development of farming uses plants endemic to Indonesia (Witarto, 2006). In a recent study, Witarto (2006), succeeded in isolating the protein in the fluid bag above and below the pocket of N. gymnamphora of the Mist Mountain National Park. From each 800 ml of fluid collected from the bag, can be as much as 1 ml of purified protein. Test of activity of the purified protein showed that the protein is a protease enzyme which is most likely Nepenthesin Nepenthesin I and II.
Nepenthes sp. IN SUMATRA
Sumatra is second only to Borneo as a place to spread the species, but in terms of total population to offset the Borneo Sumatran. Of the types that have been found in Sumatra, 12 of whom are still in the process of identification Anonymous, 2006). All types of Nepenthes sp. in Sumatra spread from the lowlands to the highlands.
Nepenthes (Nepenthes sp.) In Sumatra have some title like stoneware monkey in Riau, Jambi monkey bag, and Ketakung or calong monkey in the Pacific. Even on Mount Kerinci (West Sumatra) there is a trumpet call for this type of Nepenthes aristolochioides mountain. At first, Nepenthes sp. in Sumatra is very easy to find in almost all types of forests and spread almost evenly in every province, except for certain endemic species. However, it is now beginning difficult to find, except in certain areas.
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