
Sekitar 80 ekor lutung jawa (Trachypithecus auratus) ditemukan di Hutan Cangar yang masuk dalam kawasan Taman Hutan Raya (Tahura) R Soerjo Kota Batu, Jawa Timur. Lutung jawa yang dilindungi undang-undang dan ditemukan di kawasan Hutan cangar itu terbagi menjadi 11 kelompok. Keberadaan lutung jawa tersebut harus dilestarikan, apalagi lutung jawa tersebut juga bisa menjadi objek menarik bagi wisata alam," tegasnya. Penelitian yang dilakukan ProFauna bersama Balai Tahura R Soerjo itu meliputi jalur ke Gunung Anjasmoro, Coban Watu Ondo, Coban Teyeng, air panas Cangar, kebun Brawijaya, dan hutan sekitar Goa Jepang. Penemuan adanya habitat lutung jawa itu semakin menegaskan bahwa Tahura R Soerjo menjadi sangat penting sebagai habitat satwa liar khususnya lutung jawa. Jumlah individu lutung jawa paling banyak ditemukan di hutan sekitar Coban Watu Ondo dan Coban Teyeng, sedangkan di jalur ke Gunung Anjasmoro tidak ditemukan sama sekali.
Penelitian tersebut juga menunjukan bahwa pohon jenis kukrup (Engelhardia spicata) mendominasi habitat lutung, yakni sekita 60-70 persen. Sedangkan jenis pohon lain yang teridentifikasi antara lain anggrung (Trema orientalis), santenan (Euodia latifolia), rasamala (Altingia excels), gondang (Ficus variegata) serta elo (Ficus racemosa). Keberadaan lutung jawa di Cangar tersebut menjadi indikator bahwa hutan hujan tropis di Cangar masih bagus, karena lutung jawa sangat menyukai hutan heterogen yang masih bagus. (Sumber: republika.co.id)
Nama Lain Lutung jawa adalah Langur, Budeng, Petu, Hirengan. (Langur dalam bahasa Hindi berarti 'ekor panjang')
Penampilan lutung
Lutung memiliki warna rambut hitam diselingi warna keperakan. Di kepalanya terdapat helaian rambut yang menjuantai kedepan membentuk jambul. Panjang tubuh Lutung (dari kepala hingga tungging) sekitar 50 cm, panjang ekor sekitar 70 cm atau dapat mencapai dua kali panjang tubuh. Berat Lutung rata-rata 6 kg.
Hidup berkelompok sangatlah bermanfaat bagi lutung yang lambat menjadi dewasa. Kelompok itu menjadi tempat penyimpanan pengalamannya yang kemudian diteruskan kepada generasi baru. Maka bayi yang baru lahir dari suatu kelompok sangatlah beruntung. Selama masa mudanya yang panjang monyet tadi tidak hanya mendapatkan perlindungan dari anggota kelompok yang lain tetapi memperoleh waktu untuk belajar dari anggota lain, dan apa yang telah dipelajarinya dilatih lagi dengan permainan.
Makanan lutung
Menurut beberapa penelitian, lutung memakan lebih dari 66 jenis tumbuhan yang berbeda. Sebagian besar makanan lutung adalah daun, sebagian kecil adalah buah dan bunga. Terkadang memakan serangga dan bagian lain dari tumbuhan seperti kulit kayu. Beberapa jenis tumbuhan yang disukai lutung antara lain kaliandra, sapen, dadap cangkring dan anggrung.
Lutung hidup berkelompok dengan dengan jumlah teman antara 6-23 ekor. Dalam setiap kelompok terdapat jantan sebagai pimpinan kelompok, dan beberapa betina serta anak-anak yang masih dalam asuhan induknya. Lutung merupakan hewan yang aktif di siang hari. Jantan dominan mendominasi anggota kelompok dalam hal perlindungan, pengamanan dalam pergerakan, dan merawat. Jantan selalu menjaga anggota kelompoknya dari berbagai gangguan yang berasal dari luar atau dari kelompok lain. Umumnya jantan mengeluarkan suara dan melakukan gertakan dengan suara dan perubahan mimik yang menunjukkan marah.
Tempat Tinggal
Lutung hidup di hutan dengan berbagai macam variasi mulai dari hutan bakau di pesisir, hutan dataran rendah hingga hutan dataran tinggi. Terkadang lutung juga mendiami daerah perkebunan. Sebagian besar waktunya dihabiskan di atas pohon. Terkadang lutung juga turun ke tanah untuk mencari serangga tetapi hal ini sangat jarang terjadi. Daerah jelajah Lutung minimal 15 Ha atau setara dengan 350 kali luas lapangan basket. Area bermain dan mencari makan Lutung dapat mencapai 1.300 meter atau setara dengan tiga kali lapangan basket.
Dimana Dapat Melihatnya
Lutung ini relatif lebih mudah ditemukan di beberapa hutan di Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Bali dan Lombok. Umumnya mereka masih aman hidup di dalam kawasan pelestarian seperti Taman Nasional Baluran, Meru Betiri, Alas Purwo, Bali Barat dan Rinjani.
Apa Yang Membahayakan Lutung
Hewan yang mengancam lutung bila di tanah adalah ular dan bila di pohon adalah elang, namun ancaman terbesar bagi kehidupan lutung adalah manusia. Lutung termasuk hewan yang dilindungi baik secara nasional maupun internasional, sehingga perdagangannya dalam segala bentuk adalah dilarang karena melanggar hukum.
Java monkey endangered because about 90 percent of the original ape habitat in East Java have been exhausted. "Encroachment of forest in East Java caused the local extinction in many-region," said Director of International ProFauna Rosek Nursahid in Malang, East Java. About 10 years ago, he explained, in the region Cangar, Malang regency, there are seven groups of monkey but is now only one group. Even in the mountain region Vanderman no monkey who used to live when so many black hairy ape in there. In Jember and Banyuwangi, Java monkey being hunted and their meat sold to Bali. If there is no protection from the government, monkey habitat will be completely extinct. Rosek urged the government to make strategic moves to prevent the extinction of native species of Java earlier. Now the remaining eight points namely Java monkey native habitat in the western side of Mount Semeru, Coban Paranglejo Kelurahan Kecamatan Dau, Forest Cangar bottom, Cemoro Cage Mount Kawi, Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, National Park Alas Purwo, Baluran National Parks and National Parks Meru Betiri. (Source: zimbio.com)
About 80 Javan langurs (Trachypithecus auratus) are found in the Forest Cangar included in the Forest Park area (Tahura) R Soerjo Batu, East Java. Javan langurs are protected by law and are found in the region cangar Forest is divided into 11 groups. The existence of Javan langurs are to be preserved, let alone Javan langurs could also be the object of interest to nature tourism, "he said. Research conducted with Hall Tahura ProFauna R Soerjo it includes the path to Mount Pearl, Ondo Watu Coban, Coban Teyeng, Cangar hot water, UB gardens, and forests around Goa Japan. The discovery of the Javan langur habitat was increasingly asserted that Tahura R Soerjo become very important as a habitat for wildlife, especially monkeys of Java. Number of individuals of Javan langurs most commonly found in the woods around Watu Ondo and Coban Coban Teyeng, whereas on the path to Mount Pearl was not found at all.
Research also shows that tree species kukrup (Engelhardia spicata) dominate langur habitat, ie About a 60-70 percent. While other tree species were identified, among others anggrung (Trema orientalis), santenan (Euodia latifolia), Rasamala (Altingia excels), gondang (Ficus variegata) and elo (Ficus racemosa). The existence of Javan langurs in Cangar has become an indicator that the tropical rain forest in Cangar still good, because really liked Javan langurs heterogeneous forest is still good. (Source: republika.co.id)
Other Names Java is Langur monkey, monkey, Petu, Hirengan. (Langur in Hindi means 'long tail')
Appearances langur
Monkey has black hair color interspersed silvery color. On their heads is of hair strands to form the next menjuantai topknot. Monkey body length (from head to upside-down) about 50 cm, tail about 70 cm long or can reach twice the length of the body. Serious monkey average 6 kg.
Living in groups is very beneficial to a slow ebony mature. The group is a place where experiences are then forwarded to the new generation. And the newborn baby from a group of very lucky. During his youth long monkey was not only getting protection from the other group members but get the time to learn from other members, and what he had learned were trained again with the game.
Living in groups is very beneficial to a slow ebony mature. The group is a place where experiences are then forwarded to the new generation. And the newborn baby from a group of very lucky. During his youth long monkey was not only getting protection from the other group members but get the time to learn from other members, and what he had learned were trained again with the game.
Food langur According to some studies, monkey eats more than 66 different plant species. Most of the food langur is a leaf, a small portion of fruit and flowers. Sometimes eat insects and other parts of the plant like bark. Some plant species are preferred among others Caliandra langur, sapen, dadap cangkring and anggrung.
Monkeys live in groups with the number of friends between 6-23 tail. In every group there are male as head of the group, and several females and children who are still in the care of its mother. Monkey is the animal that is active in the daytime. Dominant male dominated group members in terms of protection, safety in movement, and caring. Males always keep his group members from a variety of disorders originating from outside or from other groups. Generally male snapping sound and voice and expression changes that indicate anger.
Monkeys live in groups with the number of friends between 6-23 tail. In every group there are male as head of the group, and several females and children who are still in the care of its mother. Monkey is the animal that is active in the daytime. Dominant male dominated group members in terms of protection, safety in movement, and caring. Males always keep his group members from a variety of disorders originating from outside or from other groups. Generally male snapping sound and voice and expression changes that indicate anger.
Monkeys live in forests with a variety of variations ranging from coastal mangroves, lowland forests to upland forest. Sometimes the monkeys also inhabit the plantation. Most of the time spent in the trees. Sometimes the monkeys also fell to the ground to find insects but this is very rare. Monkey home range of at least 15 hectares, equivalent to 350 times the size of a basketball court. Play areas and foraging monkey can reach 1,300 meters, equivalent to three times the basketball court.
Monkeys live in forests with a variety of variations ranging from coastal mangroves, lowland forests to upland forest. Sometimes the monkeys also inhabit the plantation. Most of the time spent in the trees. Sometimes the monkeys also fell to the ground to find insects but this is very rare. Monkey home range of at least 15 hectares, equivalent to 350 times the size of a basketball court. Play areas and foraging monkey can reach 1,300 meters, equivalent to three times the basketball court.
Where Can See it This monkey is relatively more easily found in some forests in Central Java, East Java, Bali and Lombok. Generally they are still safe to live in conservation areas such as Baluran National Park, Meru Betiri, Alas Purwo, West Bali and Rinjani.
What monkey-Threatening Animals are threatened monkey when the ground is a snake and when the tree is an eagle, but the biggest threat to human life is ebony. Langur including animals that are protected both nationally and internationally, so that trade in any form is prohibited because it violates the law.
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