
Gas metan diproduksi oleh mikrobia dalam keadaan anaerob. Secara alamiah lahan gambut, rawa dan sediment di daerah pantai merupakan sumber utama dari gas metan di atmosfer (Hardy, 2003), akan tetapi manusia juga berperan penting terhadap peningkatan gas metan di atmosfer, terutama sejak jaman pra industri yaitu melalui kegiatan-kegiatan peternakan, pertanian padi sawah, sampah, pembakaran batubara dan penggunaan minyak bumi.
Lebih dari sepertiga emisi metana, sekitar 900 miliar ton setiap tahun, diproduksi oleh bakteri metanogen yang hidup dalam sistem pencernaan hewan ruminansia, seperti sapi, kambing, dan domba. Berdasarkan volumenya, metana 20 persen jauh lebih kuat menangkap energi matahari dibandingkan dengan karbon dioksida. Itu membuat metana sebagai salah satu gas rumah kaca utama.
Bakteri metanogen termasuk salah satu golongan Archaebacteria selain halofilik, dan termofilik, sesuai dengan nama golongannya Archaebacteria merupakan mikroorganisme yang tahan hidup di daerah ektrim seperti perairan dengan kadar garam tinggi (halofil) contoh Halobacterium, serta daerah dengan temperatur tinggi seperti hydrothermal vent (extreme thermofil) contoh Sulfolobus, Pyrodictium. Bakteri metanogen bersifat anaerob obligat, terbagi menjadi tiga group. Group I Methanobacterium dan Methanobrevibacter , Group II meliputi Methanococcus, dan Group III termasuk genera Methanospirillum dan Methanosarcina . Semuanya ada di lingkungan air tawar yang anaerob seperti sedimen serta pada saluran pencernaan hewan. (Dubey, 2005).
Jika ditinjau dari struktur selnya, Archaebacteria memiliki kemiripan dengan struktur sel eubakteria yaitu sel dengan tipe prokariot, struktur membran sel lipid bilayer namun bedanya pada Archaea menggunakan gugus eter yang berikatan pada lipid berbeda dengan membran sel eubakteria yang menggunakan gugus ester untuk berikatan dengan lipid. Ikatan antara gugus eter dan lipid ini membentuk membran bilayer dari gliserol-dieter, membran monolayer dari digliserol-tetraeter.
Dinding sel berfungsi untuk melindungi sitoplasma dari perubahan tekanan osmotik dan memberi bentuk sel sehingga ada yang berbentuk kokus atau batang. Struktur dinding sel Gram positif dan Gram negatif tidak memiliki peptidoglikan, namun memiliki lapisan pseudopeptidoglikan yaitu suatu lapisan yang tersusun dari ulangan N-asetilglukosamin dan N-asam asetiltalosaminuronik (1-3 rantai, tahan terhadap lisozim ) dengan 7 group L-asam amino yang saling bertumpang tindih (Methanobacterium), memiliki lapisan polisakarida merupakan polimer tebal yang terdiri dari galaktosamin, asam glukoronat, glukosa, dan asetat . Lapisan ketiga berupa lapisan glikoprotein merupakan protein bermuatan negatif dengan banyak sisa asam amino terutama asam aspartat yang berikatan dengan polimer lain seperti glukosa, glukosamin, mannose, galaktosa, ribose, arabinosa. Lapisan protein merupakan lapisan terakhir dari struktur dinding sel Archaebacteria yang terdiri dari subunit polipeptida tunggal yang berbentuk lembaran (pada golongan Methanospirillum) atau beberapa subunit polipeptida yang berbeda (pada Methanococcus, Methanomicrobium).(Stevenson, 2008)
Kebanyakan metanogen bersifat mesofilik dengan kisaran suhu optimum antara 200C - 400C, namun metanogen juga dapat ditemukan di lingkungan ektrim seperti hydrothermal vent yang memiliki temperatur sampai 1000C. (Dubey,2005)
Identifikasi bakteri metanogen dapat dilakukan dengan mengkultivasi bakteri metanogen dalam medium selektif dengan kondisi anaerob, Metanogen tergolong archaebacteria dengan struktur dinding sel yang tidak memiliki peptidoglikan sehingga resisten terhadap agen yang dapat menghambat pembentukan peptidoglikan dan antibiotik cukup efektif digunakan untuk seleksi antara bakteri methanogen dan bakteri non methanogen.(Nakatsugawa,1992).
Antibiotik yang dapat digunakan adalah vancomycin yang efektif untuk menghambat pembentukan dinding sel serta kanamycin yang dapat menghambat sintesis protein.(Nakatsugawa,1992). Analisis bakteri metanogen dilanjutkan dengan analisis produksi gas metan dengan menggunakan Gas Kromatografi atau gas analizer.
Identifikasi bakteri metanogen secara mikroskopik telah dikaji sejak era tahun 70an. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Ronald W. Mink dan Patrick R.Dugan (1978) menunjukkan bahwa bakteri metanogen dapat diidentifikasi secara mikroskopis dengan menggunakan mikroskop fluoresens. Secara fisiologi bakteri metanogen memiliki suatu substansi yang disebut F420, yaitu suatu koenzim yang dapat terabsorpsi dengan kuat pada panjang gelombang 420 nm (Ronald,1978), dengan adanya koenzim F420 dalam keadaan terreduksi menyebabkan bakteri ini dapat memancarkan sinar fluoresens berwarna hijau kebiruan ketika disinari oleh sinar ultraviolet pada panjang gelombang tertentu dan dapat membedakannya dengan bakteri non metanogen. Fungsi dari koenzim F420 adalah sebagai pembawa elektron pada proses metabolisme yaitu pada proses metanogenesis. (Michael,1989)
In addition to CO2, methane gas is a gas that is very important in relation to the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Is capable of heat-trapping gas 21 times more powerful than CO2 (GWP value - The Greenhouse Warming Potential - methane is 21, the CO2 value GWPnya 1 while NO2 GWPnya value is 310) (Hardy, 2003), but the lifetime of this gas in the atmosphere is short enough that is 7.9 years and when we compare it with CO2 gas that reached 50-200 years, NO2 is 120 years old, CFC-11 is 50 years, and CFC-12 is 102 years (Lelieveld et al., 1998; Hardy, 2003). (Source La an)
Methane gas produced by microbes in anaerobic conditions. In natural peatlands, wetlands and sediment in coastal areas is a major source of methane in the atmosphere (Hardy, 2003), but humans also play an important role towards the increase of methane in the atmosphere, especially since pre-industrial era is through the activities of animal husbandry, rice agriculture, waste, coal combustion and use of petroleum.
More than a third of methane emissions, roughly 900 billion tons every year, is produced by methanogenic bacteria that live in the digestive system of ruminants, like cattle, goats, and sheep. Based on its volume, methane is much more robust 20 percent of solar energy capture compared with carbon dioxide. It makes methane as one of the main greenhouse gas.
More than a third of methane emissions, roughly 900 billion tons every year, is produced by methanogenic bacteria that live in the digestive system of ruminants, like cattle, goats, and sheep. Based on its volume, methane is much more robust 20 percent of solar energy capture compared with carbon dioxide. It makes methane as one of the main greenhouse gas.
Methanogenic bacteria including one group in addition to halophilic Archaebacteria, and thermophilic, in accordance with its class name Archaebacteria are resistant microorganisms living in extreme areas such as waters with high salinity (halofil) Halobacterium example, as well as areas with high temperatures, such as hydrothermal vents (extreme thermofil) Sulfolobus example, Pyrodictium. Methanogenic bacteria are obligate anaerobic, divided into three groups. Methanobacterium and Methanobrevibacter Group I, Group II includes Methanococcus, and Group III, including the genera Methanospirillum and Methanosarcina. It's all in an anaerobic environment such as freshwater sediments and in the gastrointestinal tract of animals. (Dubey, 2005).
If viewed from the cell structure, Archaebacteria have similarities with eubakteria cell structure that is the type of prokaryotic cell, the structure of cell membrane lipid bilayer but the difference in Archaea using ether group which binds the different lipids with the cell membrane eubakteria using ester group to bind to lipid. Ether bond between the group and this lipid bilayer membranes formed from glycerol-dieter, monolayer membrane from digliserol-tetraeter.
Cell wall serves to protect the cytoplasm from osmotic pressure changes and give the cell shape so that there is a coccus or rod-shaped. The structure of cell walls of Gram positive and Gram-negative do not have peptidoglycan, but has a layer pseudopeptidoglikan which is a layer composed of repeated N-acetylglucosamine and N-asetiltalosaminuronik acid (1-3 chains, resistant to lysozyme) with 7 group of L-amino acid inter- overlap (Methanobacterium), has a thick layer of polysaccharide is a polymer consisting of galaktosamin, glukoronat acids, glucose, and acetate. The third layer is a glycoprotein layer of negatively charged proteins with many remaining amino acids, especially aspartic acid that binds with other polymers such as glucose, glucosamine, mannose, galactose, ribose, arabinose. Protein layer is the last layer of Archaebacteria cell wall structure consisting of a single polypeptide subunit in the form of sheets (in group Methanospirillum) or several different polypeptide subunits (in Methanococcus, Methanomicrobium). (Stevenson, 2008)
Most methanogens are mesophilic with an optimum temperature range between 200C - 400C, but methanogens can also be found in extreme environments like hydrothermal vents that have temperatures up to 1000C. (Dubey, 2005) The identification of methanogenic bacteria can be carried out with methanogenic bacteria cultivate in selective medium with anaerobic conditions, methanogenic archaebacteria belonging to the structure of cell walls that do not have peptidoglycan so resistant to the agents that can inhibit the formation of peptidoglycan and effective antibiotic used for selection of bacteria methanogens and non-methanogens bacteria . (Nakatsugawa, 1992).
The antibiotic vancomycin can be used is effective to inhibit the formation of cell walls and which can inhibit the synthesis of kanamycin protein. (Nakatsugawa, 1992).
Analysis of methanogenic bacteria followed by analysis of methane gas production by using gas chromatography or gas analyzer.
Microscopic identification of methanogenic bacteria have been studied since the 70s era. Results of research conducted by Ronald W. Mink and Patrick R. Dugan (1978) showed that methanogenic bacteria can be identified microscopically by using a fluorescent microscope. The physiology of methanogenic bacteria have a substance called F420, which is a coenzyme that can imbibition strongly at a wavelength of 420 nm (Ronald, 1978), in the presence of coenzyme F420 in a state terreduksi cause these bacteria to emit light bluish-green fluorescence when illuminated by ultraviolet light at specific wavelengths and can distinguish with non-methanogenic bacteria. Function of coenzyme F420 as electron carriers in the metabolic process that is in the process of methanogenesis. (Michael, 1989)
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